
NLET (National Load Estimating Tool) is a web-based tool for estimating pollutant loads in watersheds across the contiguous United States. This tool helps visualize the effects of land use patterns, cultivated crops, and conservation practices through graphical representation.

NLET implements an export coefficient approach for predicting the pollutant loads. NLET also addresses the need for a user-friendly, reliable and cost-effective watershed modeling tool.

The developers wish to acknowledge Mike Bostock's D3.js library for creating an open-source JavaScript and data-driven charts, without which this website would have a very different look and feel. We also extend our gratitude to Vladimir Agafonkin of Mapbox and OpenStreetMap for the Leaflet library, another open-source JavaScript library that we used for displaying the locations of Hydrologic Unit Catalog (HUC) in this website.